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Tool link

The tool link is currently under development and will be available soon. Interested developers are also welcome to participate. Currently, we have the following plans:

  1. alins-router: routing library
  2. alins-v: form verification library
  3. alins-ui: UI library (based on material design or antd)
  4. alins-style: Complete css-in-js solution
  5. alins-ssr: Server-side rendering
  6. alins-html: template compilation solution support, based on html files and syntax, closest to html semantics
  7. alins-vsc: Alins vscode plug-in supports syntax highlighting and smart prompts that are not supported by some jsx, such as $item and customization in the For component item
  8. alins-animate: animation support
  9. alins-use: Tool collection
  10. alins-term: Custom nodejs renderer to implement terminal drawing UI
  11. alins-canvas: Custom canvas renderer implements drawing UI based on canvas
  12. alins-native: Implement cross-platform solution based on alins

Alins 2022-present